Article M83PT

This page describes the management mode about processing of personal data of users who consult this web site and their privacy. This notice is also provided according to the art . 13 of Legislative Decree . N . 196/2003 - Code concerning the Protection of Personal Data - to those who interact with web services of the Company Ceramiche Virginia S.r.l., Via Virginio, 378 – 50025 Montespertoli, Florence.
The disclaimer is applied only to this site and not to any other web sites accessed by links.
By this policy the user is informed by the Company Ceramiche Virginia srl, under D.lgs. 30 june 2003, n. 196 (hereinafter the "Privacy Code"), about the data provided by himself can be processed in compliance with those rules.
Therefore, pursuant to and by the purposes of Articles 13 , 23 , 26 of the Decree . n.196 / 2003, the following information is provided to the user.
The "Holder" of any personal information managed as a result of visiting our site consultation or any other data used for the provision of our services is the Company Ceramiche Virginia S.r.l. Via Virginio, 378 – 50025 Montespertoli, Florence.
The data processing responsible is Mr. Cenci Marco.
The use of your personal information will be made for activities concerning the specific goals of the Company Ceramiche Virginia srl without any exception.
These goals are listed below:
and any other additional ancillary and / or instrumental purposes of the Company directly and / or indirectly connected to those ones above.
The management will be made by manual and/or automated systems to store, manage and transmit the data, by way strictly related to the same purposes, Based on the data in our possession by the user and commitment to immediately communicate any corrections, additions and / or upgrades.
Among the used systems we point out:
The provision by the user of these data is mandatory related to the execution of activities related to different purposes. Indeed in case of refusal to provide data or to allow to their treatment or to their communication this may mean the impossibility to perform the activities listed in the purposes.
The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of emails to the addresses indicated on this site involves the subsequent acquisition of the sender, which is necessary to respond to requests, as well as any other personal data included in the communication.
Specific summary information will be reported or displayed on web pages dedicated to particular services on request. Data obtained by IT tools, will only be used for abovementioned purposes. It is specified that IT systems and software procedures, during their normal operation , acquire some personal data which transmission from is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected to be associated with identified, but, by its very nature, could, through processing and associations with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified. Inside this category of data are included IP addresses or the domain names of computers used by users connecting to the site, the required resources URI (Uniform Resource Identifier), the time of the request , the method used to submit the request to the server , the file size of the reply , the numerical code indicating the status of the response from the server (successful, error , etc.), and other parameters concerning the operating system and computer environment. This data are used only to obtain anonymous statistics about site usage and to check its correct working. Data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical crimes against the site.
Therefore, except what as noted about navigation data, the user is free to provide personal data requested in the application forms to Ceramiche Virginia s.r.l. and their absence can make it impossible to fulfill the user request.
Personal data provided by users are used only to carry out the purposes described above and are not disclosed to third parties, except in the following cases:
For completeness it must be remembered that in some cases (not subject to the ordinary management of this site) the Authority may request information pursuant to art. 157 of Legislative Decree. N. 196/2003, for the purpose of monitoring the processing of personal data. In these cases reply is obligatory under penalty of a fine.
The subject to whom the personal data refer, at any time can exercise his rights towards the data controller under Article. 7 of D.lgs.196 / 2003 and in particular:
The full text of article 7 of D.lgs 196/2003 concerning the rights, is available at the offices of the Company Ceramiche Virginia srl and on the website
All requests concerning the above should be addressed by registered letter with return receipt to be sent notice at the headquarters of the Company to the data processor: Ceramiche Virginia S.r.l., Via Virginio, 378 – 50025 Montespertoli, FI or by e-mail to, and they will take effect since actual receipt by the latter of such request.
This website uses so-called cookie, cookie are small text strings that are sent and stored on the PC or on another visitor's device, such as tablet or smartphone, in order to store information necessary or useful for a proper use of the website and to ensure full functionality.
The website uses technicians cookies in order to ensure the full use of the content and improve the user experience.
The website does not use profiling first part cookies. This web site does not perform any user profiling aimed to sending advertising messages or other direct marketing activities.
The web site uses, in order to provide users with advanced features or external content, tools from third-party which install cookies on your PC or your device.
The owners of these instruments through the use of their cookies may perform profiling operations users.
The website uses analytics third party cookies in order to monitor access to the site.
To provide external content and advanced features, such as content sharing, the website incorporates tools produced by third-party, which one, to run, need or may need to install cookies on your PC, on your tablet or on your smartphone, these cookies may be used by third party to profiling operations of users or sending targeted advertising.
The site uses sharing tools and / or embedding contents of following social platforms:
and Google Maps and Google Fonts tools.
The website uses this tool in order to provide a geo -referenced map of Sale Points where to find products made, marketed and distributed by Virginia Casa in Italy and in the world; exclusively on express user consent, the site makes the detection of user's geographical location in order to indicate the stores closest to him.
For more information, please see below in the section 7 ) : "User's Geo - location"
For information about the use of personal data done by Google+ , Youtube , Google Maps and Google Fonts, please refer to the Google "Privacy Policy" and document "How Google use cookies".
To change Google cookie preferences, the user can consult "Managing cookies in the browser" resource .
For information about use of personal data and cookies by Facebook and to change preferences, please refer to these documents: "Data Policy" and "Cookies & Other Storage Technologies"
The website uses Google Analytics as a statistical tool access; Google Analytics in oreder to function needs to install cookies on your PC or on the user's device, by using these cookies Google may make crossed with other data it already has.
To learn more about, please read the Privacy Policy of Google Analytics.
If user needs to deactivate Google Analytics cookies, he can do it directly from his browser by installing the add-in made available by Google to the following link: address.
The user can manage preferences for each kind of cookies directly from his browser (Chrome, Internet Explorer, ecc.)
for example by choosing whether to allow the installation of third-party cookies, preventing the installation of any type of cookie or deleting the cookies already in his device, including cookies which stores preferences on acceptance of the cookies used by this site.
It's important to note that some preference settings can compromise the correct use of this website and of many other ones.
Directions about how to set preferences for each kind of browser can be found at following links:
For different browser than those in the above list, please refer to the guide provided by producer; for browser embedded in the operating systems for tablets and smartphones, please consult the Manual of use of the device and / or the Manual of use of the operating system installed on the device.
A complete list of the browser is available at this address:
It's also possible to use the Your Online Choices service, it allows the user to express its preferences about tracking mode of almost all online advertising tools.
This web site, makes the detection of the user's location in order to indicate the stores closest to him, but only and exclusively under his express consent.
It would be specify that entering in to the "Point of sale", of web site smartphone's version, accessible to the addresses or, the page requires the user's consent in order to detect its position: If the user agrees, the system will detect its geographical location and indicate the stores closest to him at that time; this is the only use that the site makes of the position data; contrariwise, if the user doesn't consent to the collection of data relating to the geographic position, he'll be not collected.
For the user position management the site uses the third-party tools: Google Maps and therefore, for further information about the use of data relating to the users location from Google Maps, the user should consult the "Privacy Policy" of Google, in particular the paragraph: "Location information".